Car Stereo Project
In January of 2003, the stereo was stolen from my car. I have been without a sound system since, and I’m getting quite tired of listening to a tiny little radio with poor reception.
This article was originally posted in 2003, and was lost during the move from PHPNuke to some other long-forgotten content management system for my site. I have recovered the text of the article, and am reposting it here with very few changes.
There’s bound to be some link rot, but I have left the links alone if only to shame the respective webmasters.
After spending hours researching new receivers and even bidding on one or two, I did some research. I decided to create my own sound system. I have an MP3 collection, and I will be encoding my CD collection as Ogg Vorbis .
But I also want to be able to listen to the stereo. After googling for hours, I found the hardware that I have been looking for. Since I enjoy writing software, I will be integrating all of it myself.
Of course, all of the software I write will be licensed under the GPL, so check back soon for some code. If you are interested in helping me write or test this get-up, please visit the Sourceforge Project Page .
- Uses a laptop running Linux hidden away in the vehicle. Mine is a sometimes-working Thinkpad 600.
- For display, an LCD such as this one connected to the laptop through USB. ($75.00)
- For control, a numeric keypad connected to the laptop through USB. ($22.00)
- To be able to listen to the radio, a D-Link DSB-R100 FM Tuner, connected to the laptop through USB. ($34.95)
- My existing two-channel amplifier to connect the factory speakers, and a 1/8” headphone to male RCA adapter to connect it to the laptop. ($7.00)
- My control application uses mpg321/mpg123 and ogg123 to play files. These have a Remote Mode that my application uses.
- Note that vorbis-tools-1.0 must be patched for ogg123 to include Remote Mode. See this posting on the Vorbis Development List . Also, you must have automake-1.4. No other version will work when compiling vorbis-tools.
- Specify parts and place orders
- AC Inverter (Done)
- Display - I chose the gray on white backlight (Done)
- Numeric Keypad
- Bus-powered USB Hub
- D-Link USB Radio Tuner (Done)
- Wiring harness adapter for my car (Done)
- Design user interface for 4x20 display and numeric keypad. (Mostly done.)
- Write software front-end for control of mpg123, ogg123, Radio Ttuner, and CD player. Use code from:
- lcdproc
- tunerd
- Must also handle controlled shutdown and wakeup based on power loss and restoration.
- Test my software in my car.
- Create housing/face for display to mount in stereo hole
- Network server software for management of playlists, etc, from a network-attached PC.
Future Upgrades
- Wireless network adapter, so that I can download music to the player from my home network.
- Manage playlists while the laptop is offline, and upon powerup, have laptop replicate over the wireless network.
- The Griffin Powermate USB Knob as a volume control. Only $39.